We are leaving for vacation soon. Part of me thinks…vacation?!?! In this southern accent type voice. “VAAAACATION?! Haven’t you been having a vacation? No work. Just pure time to do nothing?” And my brain is thinking F NO…this has NOT been a vacation. I know some of you..including myself are even thinking. Vacation? Is traveling […]
Here I am. Messy hair, coffee spilled down my shirt, in the middle of a mess while my kids kick the shit out of me day after day after day. ‘This is THE LIFE’ the caption reads. And ya know what? It sure as hell is. They want me. They LOVE me. Like seriously love me. They never want […]
Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day and I’m sitting here stuffing popcorn and M&M’s in my mouth. Not just any M&Ms. Peanut butter M&Ms. The best kind, may I add? Not exactly stellar for my diet. But…hey. Self Care? I’d love to take a bath, but my dog thinks I’m drowning and gets very worried. I do […]
Hello. Either you are here because you know someone I took photos of, or…you are looking for someone to take photos of you! Or you are just browsing the inter-webs and thought, hey, I’ll check out what this lady is all about. Well. I’m happy you’re here. I hope I’m the girl for you. Because […]
Mother. Mom. Mama…Transformed, literally for a lot of you over a 9 month period, or perhaps it was over a phone call. Like my mom. “Would you like to come pick up your baby girl?” A voice on the other end asked. It could have been that moment, the long car ride over, or the […]
1. I change my clothes several times a day. And not just from gym clothes to regular clothes but possibly twice, even three times more. I don’t know what it is, but sometimes I just put on the wrong outfit, and my Tuesday just doesn’t feel right in plaid when I should have chosen the […]
I didn’t have time for this today. I have about 25 hundred things on my list of things to get done, including work stuff, galleries to get out, cleaning to do at home, and more work stuff. I complain to my husband about these things I need to get done and once in awhile he […]