Well, look how awful I am at writing every day. I have remained mindful and I’m surprised at how my stress level has stayed down for the most part. This weekend he was so very helpful. He did hide out in the game room while my family came over, but he did help clean the […]

be nice to my husband month day 7

Monday, November 7th, 2016

Day ONE   My husband gets ready 30-45 minutes before I even get up in the morning. This morning, I awoke to him with his hand on my cheek and then baby bump and then back to my cheek. Maybe I was dreaming, but did he just sweep my hair out of my face? After a […]

be nice to my husband month

Tuesday, November 1st, 2016

My heart has been doing a lot of melting lately. I sat here bawling an hour ago while I watched this slideshow along with different songs trying to find the most perfect song to put the photos to. Many times I watched this. And…I will probably fall asleep watching it too. Right after, I kiss […]

This love.

Monday, September 19th, 2016